Saturday, 20 August 2011 top leader & investor national

Kami ucapkan selamat, karena telah menjadi bagian jaringan bisnis paling bergengsi di Asia Tenggara. Kami komitmen sepenuhnya demi keberhasilan anda melalui sistim usaha kami yang telah terbukti dan luar biasa “Rencana Pengembangan Jaringan dengan Hasil yang Tinggi” untuk mencapai visi dan tujuan anda tanpa adanya tekanan.



Sudrajat Rachman


- Apa Yang Anda Pikirkan Itulah Yang Akan Terjadi -


"The Secret Behind Your Dream

Great Era Investment Groups didirikan pada bulan Agustus 2010 dengan kapitalisasi pasar "$" USD 50 Juta. Kami menawarkan nasihat perencanaan strategis dan manajemen sumber daya untuk anak perusahaan , mitra dan investor.

Manajer Anda di Great Era Investment Groups dengan siapa Anda akan berhubungan dan berinteraksi, datang bersama-sama untuk tujuan tunggal mengembangkan sinergi unik di antara profesional keuangan yang berpengalaman, yang memiliki spesialisasi dalam berbagai aspek dan fungsi pasar saat ini agar komprehensif, adaptif solusi yang memperkuat Era mandat yang besar tetap penting dan dapat dicapai pada titik masing-masing dalam memperoleh pijakan time.Having banyak penciptaan saluran distribusi dan akuisisi perusahaan & restrukturisasi selama bertahun-tahun, Kami kini memimpin unit-unit bisnis yang berbeda dalam menyediakan produk yang layak dan jasa untuk wilayah primer yang berbeda .

Mulai dari investasi dan akar manajemen aset, telah berkembang dari kekuatan ke kekuatan dalam menciptakan pasar berpengaruh dan mitra regional yang memiliki kehadiran lokal memerintah dalam hak mereka sendiri. Kami memberdayakan mitra kami, investor dan karyawan dan memberikan stimulus untuk penetrasi pasar yang efektif untuk berbagai macam produk dan jasa.

Kami percaya bahwa keuntungan dari investasi digunakan untuk meningkatkan program kami dan meningkatkan stabilitas untuk jangka panjang dan kesinambungan. GEI bekerja dengan investor dan ahli keuangan untuk mengubah ide menjadi usaha yang berhasil. Kami membantu untuk membangun kemitraan dan mencapai tujuan dengan mencari pilihan investasi yang unik dan peluang. Tujuan yang tidak berubah mengarahkan bisnis kami. Ini adalah untuk menempatkan kepentingan klien kami di atas semua pertimbangan lain, untuk mengabdikan diri untuk masing-masing individu dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan mereka.


Investasi Online selama 90 hari kalender
Perusahan Broker yang bergerak di bidang GOLD, SAHAM, FOREX dari Panama.
Alamat Kantor:
Great Era Investment Group
Era Investment Building
Balle 48 & Balle 58 Este
Liso 31, Oficina 3105
Panama City, Republic of Panama

Management Direksi:
Collin Bernhardt, Executive Director-Investment
Peter Strauss, Senior Independent Non Executive Director
Anthony Mallory, Finance Director
Nigel Montgomery, Director-Audit and Risk

ROI harian diberikan ke Investor setiap hari selama 90 hari kalender dan dapat di cairkan setiap hari juga tanpa syarat apapun.

Mulai JOIN:

Rp. 1 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.16.500 selama 90 hari kalender 1.65%
Rp. 5 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.87.500 selama 90 hari kalender 1.75%
Rp. 10 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.185.000 selama 90 hari kalender 1.85%
Rp. 30 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp. 585.00 selama 90 hari kalender 1.95%
Rp.50 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp. 1.005.000 selama 90 hari kalender 2.10%

Khusus investor dikalkulasikan jika anda join:

@Rp. 50.000.000.- maka investasi anda selama 3 bulan Rp. 94.500.000.-
@Rp. 100.000.000.- maka investasi anda selama 3 bulan Rp. 189.000.000.-

Bonus yang di berikan jika anda aktif mengembangkan GREAT ERA

1. Bonus Sponsor
Join 1 juta, Bonus sponsor 6%
Join 5 juta, Bonus sponsor 7%
Join 10 Juta, Bonus sponsor 8%
Join 30 juta, Bonus sponsor 9%
Join 50 juta, Bonus sponsor 10%

2. Bonus Pasangan (mingguan)
Join 1 juta, Bonus pasangan 6%, maks $ 500
Join 5 juta, Bonus pasangan 7%, maks $ 3000
Join 10 Juta, Bonus pasangan 8%, maks $ 6000
Join 30 juta, Bonus pasangan 9%, maks $ 20000
Join 50 juta, Bonus pasangan 10%, maks $ 35000

Bonus Pasangan mengikuti dari JOIN anda dikalikan dengan GROUP yang kecil dan BONUS LEADERSHIP akan anda terima mulai 5% sampai 40% dari Referensi

3. Bonus Leadership (mingguan)
Join Rp. 1.000.000.- ---------NIHIL--------
Join Rp. 5.000.000.- Matching dua Level I dan Level II ( total 10% )
Join Rp. 10.000.000.- Matching empat level I, II, III, IV ( total 20% )
Join Rp. 30.000.000.- Matching enam Level I, II, III, IV, V ( total 30% )
Join Rp. 100.000.000.- Matching delapan Level I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII ( total 40% )

EKSTRA BONUS (mingguan)
Ekstra bonus Rp. 2.500.000.- Per minggu
Ekstra bonus Rp. 15.000.000.- Per minggu
Ekstra bonus Rp. 30.000.000.- Per minggu
Ekstra bonus Rp. 100.000.000.- Per minggu
Ekstra bonus Rp. 175.000.000.- Per minggu

Setiap hari anda dapat melakukan pencairan melalui perusahaan atau stokis agency yang di entukan oleh perusahaan Great Era Investment.
Minimal Pencairan Ke perusahaan adalah Rp. 1.000.000.- atau $100 USD

KURS Rate JOIN di Great ERA

$1 Usd Rp. 10.000.-

KURS Pencairan masuk rekening member: BCA, Mandiri, LR.

$1 Usd Rp. 9000.-

Great Era Investment Groups - / (for member login)

Keterangan ringkas tentang program hyip Great Era Investment Groups


1) Classic Star - USD 100
2) Bronze Star - USD 500
3) Silver Star - USD 1000
4) Gold Star - USD 3000
5) Platinum Star - USD 5000

Plan Pasif 90 Hari

1) Classic Star - 1.65% sehari, jumlah 148.5% selepas 90 hari
2) Bronze Star - 1.75% sehari, jumlah 157.5% selepas 90 hari
3) Silver Star - 1.85% sehari, jumlah 166.5% selepas 90 hari
4) Gold Star - 1.95% sehari, jumlah 175.5% selepas 90 hari
5) Platinum Star - 2.10% sehari, jumlah 189.0% selepas 90 hari

Plan Aktif

A) Direct Referral Bonus (Mengikut pangkat)

1) Classic Star - 6%
2) Bronze Star - 7%
3) Silver Star - 8%
4) Gold Star - 9%
5) Platinum Star - 10%

B) Pairing Bonus (Mingguan)

1) Classic Star - 6% - maksima USD 500 seminggu
2) Bronze Star - 7% - maksima USD 3000 seminggu
3) Silver Star - 8% - maksima USD 6000 seminggu
4) Gold Star - 9% - maksima USD 20000 seminggu
5) Platinum Star - 10% - maksima USD 35000 seminggu

Setiap hari minggu jam 00:00, penghitungan akan dilakukan dan kaki besar akan carry forward dan kaki kecil akan flushing

C) Special Extra Bonus (Mingguan)

1) Classic Star - USD 500
2) Bronze Star - USD 1500
3) Silver Star - USD 3000
4) Gold Star - USD 10000
5) Platinum Star - USD 17500

Bonus extra ini diberikan pada setiap akaun yang mencecah pairing maksimum pada setiap minggu

D) Leadership Bonus (5%)

1) Classic Star - Nil
2) Bronze Star - 2 level
3) Silver Star - 4 level
4) Gold Star - 6 level
5) Platinum Star - 8 level

Pengiraan 5% ini adalah dari pendapatan pairing downline dan mengikut pokok sponsoring


1) Melalui trader atau member - proses on the spot
2) Melalui company - min USD 100 dan proses 3 hari bekerja

Berikut Rincian Investasi Awal dah Hasil yang di dapat jika bergabung bersama GEI Groups.

  • Investasi Rp. 1 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.16.500 selama 90 hari kalender 1.65%
  • Investasi Rp. 5 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.87.500 selama 90 hari kalender 1.75%
  • Investasi Rp. 10 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp.185.000 selama 90 hari kalender 1.85%
  • Investasi Rp. 30 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp. 585.000 selama 90 hari kalender 1.95%
  • Investasi Rp.50 juta setiap hari anda terima Rp. 1.005.000 selama 90 hari kalender 2.10%

KHUSUS INVESTOR yang ingin berinvestasi sebesar :

A. Rp 50.000.000 maka selama 3 bulan dari hasil investasi menghasilkan Rp 94.500.000
B. Rp 100.000.000 maka selama 3 bulan dari hasil investasi menghasilkan Rp 189.000.000

Jadi dapat kita simpulkan, berinvestasi tidak harus memilliki modal yang sangat besar. tetapi bisa di sesuiakan dengan Kondisi keuangan Anda. dan Hasil terlihat sangat jelas dengan Anda berinvestasi di GEI GROUPS. jadi bergegaslah berinvestasi di

Apa yang Anda lakukan jika minimal memiliki Uang sebesar 10 Juta ?????

***** Untuk Modal Usaha ????? tidak selamanya Usaha itu untung, terkadang usaha itu menghadapi di mana yang namanya bangkrut.

***** menabung di bank ????? Boleh dan tidak di larang, karena memang menabung adalah cara di mana untuk hidup Hemat dan tidak Boros. tetapi, alangkah baiknya berinvestasi di tempat yang Aman dan dapat membuat kebutuhan Financial anda akan segera berubah tanpa menunggu waktu yang lama.

***** berjudi ????? selain berjudi itu Hukumnya HARAM,,,, dan apakah dengan bermain Judi Akan membawa Kemenangan atau keberhasilan !!!!!!!!

jadi yang jelas, segeralah berinvestasi di GEI GROUPS

TIDAK HANYA ITU , jika Anda Aktif mengembangkan GREAT ERA INVESTMENT bonus-bonus sebagai berikut :

1. Bonus Sponsor
Join 1 juta, Bonus sponsor 6%
Join 5 juta, Bonus sponsor 7%

Join 10 Juta, Bonus sponsor 8%

Join 30 juta, Bonus sponsor 9%

Join 50 juta, Bonus sponsor 10%

2. Bonus Pasangan (mingguan)

Join 1 juta, Bonus pasangan 6%, maks $ 500
Join 5 juta, Bonus pasangan 7%, maks $ 3000

Join 10 Juta, Bonus pasangan 8%, maks $ 6000
Join 30 juta, Bonus pasangan 9%, maks $ 20000
Join 50 juta, Bonus pasangan 10%, maks $ 35000

Bonus Pasangan mengikuti dari JOIN anda dikalikan dengan GROUP yang kecil dan BONUS LEADERSHIP akan anda terima mulai 5% sampai 40% dari Referensi

3. Bonus Leadership (mingguan)
  1. Join Rp. 1.000.000.- ---------NIHIL--------
  2. Join Rp. 5.000.000.- Matching dua Level I dan Level II ( total 10% )
  3. Join Rp. 10.000.000.- Matching empat level I, II, III, IV ( total 20% )
  4. Join Rp. 30.000.000.- Matching enam Level I, II, III, IV, V ( total 30% )
  5. Join Rp. 100.000.000.- Matching delapan Level I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII ( total 40% )

4. EKSTRA BONUS (mingguan)

  1. Ekstra bonus Rp. 2.500.000.- Per minggu
  2. Ekstra bonus Rp. 15.000.000.- Per minggu
  3. Ekstra bonus Rp. 30.000.000.- Per minggu
  4. Ekstra bonus Rp. 100.000.000.- Per minggu
  5. Ekstra bonus Rp. 175.000.000.- Per minggu

jadi setiap Anda mengajak rekan-rekan, GEI GROUPS memberikan Komisi tambahan seperti yang tertera di atas.

Setiap hari anda dapat melakukan pencairan melalui perusahaan atau stokis agency yang di tentukan oleh perusahaan Great Era Investment.
Minimal Pencairan Ke perusahaan adalah Rp. 1.000.000.- atau $100 USD

jadi segeralah berinvestasi bersama GREAT ERA INVESTMENT GROUPS

Strategic Partners





Alamat Kantor:
Great Era Investment Group
Era Investment Building
Balle 48 & Balle 58 Este
Liso 31, Oficina 3105
Panama City, Republic of Panama

Management Direksi:
Collin Bernhardt, Executive Director-Investment
Peter Strauss, Senior Independent Non Executive Director
Anthony Mallory, Finance Director
Nigel Montgomery, Director-Audit and Risk

InsyaAllah Tanggal 22 Agustus akan buka Kantor di Indonesia tepatnya di

Gedung Sampoerna Strategic Square Jl.Jendral Sudirman kav 45-46 Jakarta Selatan.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, atau melakukan pendaftaran silahkan Hub :

SMS/CALL Silahkan

Bisa Lihat Buktinya yang mau Ketemuan, Bisa di Jadwalkan @ Central Park . Bersama Team geigroups " Bisnis Investasi masa Kini "

Jika Bisnis MLM ingin cepat dapat Pemasukan Atau " Uang " harus Aktif mencari Downline,,, dan jika Ingin Passive Income harus memiliki Downline yang sangat Banyak. InsyaAllah di tidak demikian, Anda Pasif Saja Perhari akan menerima Pemasukan dari Mulai $1.65 - $8.75 - $18.50 - $58.5 - $100.5 selama 90 Hari Kalender "Penjelasan terinci" . mudah-mudahan Info Ini dapat bermanfaat dan menjadi Income Anda.

Berikut bukti Hasil terbaru dari tanggal teratas.

Great Era Investment Groups was established in August 2010 with a market capitalization of $USD 50 Million. Our offers strategic planning and resource management counsel for its subsidiaries, partners and investor.

Your managers at Great Era with whom you will relate and interact, came together for the sole purpose of developing a unique synergy among experienced financial professionals, who have specialized in different aspects and functions of current markets in order that comprehensive, adaptive solutions that reinforce the Great Era mandate remains paramount and achievable at each juncture in time.Having gained much foothold in the creation of distribution channels and in corporate acquisition & restructuring over the years, We now leads these differing business units in providing viable products and services to different primary territories.

Beginning from its investment and asset management roots, it has developed from strength to strength in creating influential market and regional partners which have commanding local presence in their own rights. We empower our partners, investors and employees and provide the stimulus for effective market penetration for a wide variety of products and services.

We believes that profits from investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term and sustainability. GEI works with investors and financial experts to turn ideas into successful ventures. We help to build partnerships and achieve goals by finding unique investment options and opportunities. An unchanging purpose directs our business. It is to place the interest of our clients above all other considerations, to devote ourselves to each one individually in the fulfillment of their requirements.
Core Business
First and foremost, our primary mission emulates perfectly the underlying axiom that grounds every commitment made by Great Era in its analysis and search for reliable, industry competitive investment returns.

In today's rapidly changing, complex markets that demand immediate, timely actions, GEI actively seeks its primary & global analyst and advisors and partners to give timely and professional advice. Hence, GEI is committed to the principle of 'diversity". This concept is of the utmost importance and grounds our investment philosophy.

We understand that the fundamental basis for superlative secular returns is a primary understanding of "primary trends" in various markets. The collective insight of our professionals into diversified markets will set out with a high probability of reliability the primary and future trend of the target market, while as necessary minimizing and resisting any downside exposure by not fighting these underlying powerful trends.

The next step in the approach accesses appropriate financial vehicles to exploit GEI exclusive assumptions, and permits GEI clients to participate in more market friendly environments. A GEI principle is to 'enhance shareholders fund and creating unsurpassed values for its investor'.

As we partnered with specialists in world financial markets, we enable investors to capitalize on a wide array of investment opportunities around the globe, including high growth securities on all major stock markets of the world, bonds, options, annuities and commodities market such as gold, silver, copper, energy, crude, natural gases, and in mining. We also participated actively on the foreign currencies exchange market. We do not limit our operations only to short term investments; we are also involved in a number of long-term investment projects for future generation benefits and sustainability and act as a hedge for economic uncertainties.

GEI is particularly looking at the following areas of interests:
Strategic Corporate Restructuring and Acquisition
Primary market activities focused in US, Canada, China, South Korea and Australia.

World Financial Market
With main emphasis in monetary market instruments in multi currency exchange and treasury bills deposit certificates in derivatives securities comprises of stocks, mutual funds, futures, options, warrants and certificates.

Commodities Market
Asset distribution in all important markets, and trading in commodities market (gold, platinum, copper, diamond, crude oil, etc.).

Mining Investments
Currently GEI has particular vested interests in mining operations in Mexico, North America, Canada, Mongolia and Indonesia for both gold and coal commodities.
Vision & Mission
Our Vision
Our vision is to achieve leadership of the primary market and in global investment in order to create long term shareholder value and have a sustainable business.

We recognize that our success will depend on well informed partners, investor, adopting good corporate governance and prudent financial practice and that; therefore, we seek to be recognized as industry leaders and to be the partner of first choice for investor, and potential employees.

Our Mission
Our mission is to leverage, as a partnership, resources and expertise to achieve more with the spirit of progress by continually providing the means, strategies and products that will help to enhance their net worth, protect their family security, and help create prosperity in all of their business and private financial endeavors.
Collin Bernhardt, Executive Director-Investment
Collin is a Director in our Cayman office specializing mainly in the audit of alternative investment companies. He has more than 12 years of audit experience, the last 10 of which have been with PwC Cayman. Collin is a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Collin’s portfolio of alternative investment companies encompasses a variety of fund structures and strategies, including a significant emphasis on United Kingdom and North American sponsored “onshore/offshore” hedge fund products (including master/feeder fund structures).

Collin is the vice-chairman of the Cayman office Technical Committee which specializes in the monitoring of various accounting and auditing developments, including a focus on the applicability of such developments to alternative investment and private equity companies. Peter Strauss, Senior Independent Non Executive Director
Peter Strauss is an Executive Director, Mobius Capital Group, London, responsible for the telecoms and technology sector within the Mobius Capital Funds group.

The funds currently have significant investments in three UK Oil & Gas businesses and more than in twenty innovative technology companies, which provide critical national infrastructure to the upstream and downstream activities, communications, infrastructure software and public safety sectors.

Peter worked with Investec Australia on advisory roles in the telecoms, internet, and technology fields from 2004 - March 2007. He was a member of the Siemens Australia Advisory Board, 2002-4, and till 2007 an Advisor to Siemens Australia. Anthony Mallory, Finance Director
Anthony Mallory leads the practice of Deloitte Corporate Finance (DCF) where he advises clients on sales, acquisitions, capital raising, fairness opinions and valuation related matters.

He is also the national leader for both the DCF General Industrial practice and Private Equity coverage efforts. He has served clients across a broad spectrum of industries including general industrial, consumer products, telecom, technology, healthcare and financial services. He has worked extensively with international clients on cross border transactions for both buy side and sells side services.

Prior to receiving his MBA and subsequent corporate finance experience, Tony held a variety of financial positions with General Electric. Nigel Montgomery, Director-Audit and Risk
A qualified geologist, he has worked on gold mines in Wales and Canada. He then spent 10 years first as a stockbroker and afterwards as a fund manager, during which time he managed the Merrill Lynch Investment Managers’ Gold and General Fund, one of the largest gold mining investment funds.

He was also Research Director for Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. Nigel is Director of Nostradamus LLC and a director of Oxford Abstracts. His work has included numerous consulting assignments for uranium, base and precious metals, ferroalloys, non-ferrous and industrial mineral projects world-wide.

He is a member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists and a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists. He has a B.Sc. in geology from M.I.T. and a Master’s Degree in Geology from Indiana University

Strategic Partners

Infinity Capital Group (ICG)

Infinity Capital Group, Inc
. The business of Infinity is to seek out special situation opportunities in emerging growth companies that are in need of initial or expansion financing, and provides capital, management and mergers and acquisitions expertise.

ICG prefers to make growth capital, late venture, emerging growth, mezzanine capital, and expansion financing investments in special situations. ICG seeks to invest in three distinct groups of emerging growth companies: publicly traded companies whose market for securities are thinly traded; publicly traded companies that have non-marginable securities and seek expansion or mezzanine capital to implement growth strategies executable within 12 to 24 months; and private companies seeking expansion or mezzanine financing and wishing to access the equity capital markets within the next 12 months.

ICG prefers to invest in companies that are seeking to trade publicly through a reverse merger with an existing publicly traded company as well as small public traded companies seeking private investment (PIPE) financing. ICG does not restrict its investment to any single industry or sector. We typically invest in companies with minimum operating history of two years and annual revenues in excess of $1 million. ICG also provides capital for follow-on investments. Infinity Capital Group, Inc. is based in New York, USA.

Gold Bullion is owned by the Certified Gold Exchange, Inc, which is the only long-standing exchange with a flawless, zero complaint A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and a perfect rating with Amazon Alexa. Our friendly specialists are some of the most experienced market analysts in the country and our customer service is commonly referred to as "beyond comparison." We assist you with finding and investing in the optimal investment for your portfolio and our honest and reliable advice has guided many investors to obtaining significant profit and wealth preservation during this cycle. is owned by the Certified Gold Exchange, Inc, a major North American precious metal trading exchange since 1992.

West Timmins Mining Inc. (WTM)
West Timmins is listed on the main board of the Toronto Stock Exchange and trades under the symbol TSX: WTM. Headquartered in Vancouver, we share office facilities and senior management with Platinum Group Metals Ltd. (TSX: PTM; AMEX: PLG) and MAG Silver Corp (TSX: MAG; AMEX: MVG).

There is an adage in the gold business that says “Gold is where you find it” referring to the multitude of styles and variations amongst gold deposits. However, where you find gold most often, is in those few select areas of the world where conditions during the evolution of the earth where ideal for the formation of Gold Camps – large areas, hosting multiple deposits and several millions of ounces of gold mineralization. These are the Camps where we are focusing our search for the next great gold discovery.

By working in proven gold camps, on projects which have not a single deposit but multiple deposit discovery potential, by applying a mix of cutting edge exploration tools and good old fashioned boot leather and by partnering with major and evolving companies working in these prolific belts, West Timmins is following a proven discovery model.

Led by an experienced and diverse management team which has not only discovered but financed, built and operated mines in several countries we are aggressively exploring an unparalleled package of exploration projects in the Timmins Gold Camp of Canada and in the prolific Sierra Madre Belt of Mexico.

West Timmins Mining is the largest land holder in the West Timmins Gold Camp, where our holdings surround the newest million plus ounce gold discovery in the 70 million ounce Timmins Gold Camp in Ontario, Canada. We are exploring aggressively on a number of gold occurrences in this area looking to expand the high-grade mineralization.West Timmins is also active in the Sierra Madre Gold Belt, where we have a number of large projects under exploration, including the head waters of the largest placer gold district in Mexico.

South Gobi Energy Resources

SouthGobi Energy Resources is focused on exploration and development of its Permian-age metallurgical and thermal coal deposits in Mongolia's South Gobi Region to supply a wide range of coal products and electricity to markets in Mongolia and China.

Ovoot Tolgoi is the company's flag-ship coal mine development project. Ovoot Tolgoi is in production and selling coal to customers in China. Ovoot Tolgoi is located in southern Mongolia, next to the existing MAK/Qinhua coal mine, approximately 45 kilometers north of the Mongolia/China border

SouthGobi also is exploring and developing the Mamahak high-fluidity metallurgical coking coal project in Indonesia. The Mamahak project is ideally located to supply the Japanese, Korean, Indian and Chinese coastal markets, and complements SouthGobi's established strategic advantage in Mongolia.

The company is investigating the implementation of clean coal technologies in the development of coal power-generating capacity to benefit all of its stakeholders.

The Mongolian Government's Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority have named SouthGobi Sands LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SouthGobi Energy Resources, Mongolia's "Best Exploration Company of 2007."
